
  • Please read our procedures and policies, which includes the following plus more.

  • We advise to arrive 30 minutes before scheduled session time. Doors will be locked 5 minutes before, late-comers will not be admitted no exceptions.

  • Upon entering the school, please refrain from using cell phones or similar electronic devices.

  • Remove shoes/sandals and place in the lobby shoe rack cubbies.

  • Please try to maintain safe distance between everyone at all times.

  • Wait at the front desk to be checked in. We ask for your patience.

  • The Yoga Room is a silent area. The Reception and Change Rooms are quite areas.

  • This school is a sacred space for healing and self-improvement. We have zero-tolerance policy for harassment of any kind. Any reported will be met with expulsion from the school.

  • The Change Rooms are provided for your convenience. Please limit time in the Change Rooms, they will be closed 15 minutes after the end of each session. Stow personal belongings in a locker, and take everything when you leave. Lost & Found is donated on a regular basis.

  • Before entering the school, ensure that you are free of cologne, perfume or strong odors.

  • No food or glass bottles allowed in the school.

  • The session are 90 minutes. You are expected to stay for the 90 minutes.

  • You may not stay outside of the yoga room during Yoga sessions.. No lingering in the Reception Area or Change Rooms allowed, or in the Yoga Room after the Final Savasana at the end of the session. If your are not feeling good it is ok for you to leave and go home. Doing postures outside the Yoga Room is not permitted. The safest place to be is in the Yoga Room, where the teacher can maintain visual contact of each and every student. They are here for you.

  • After each session, double-check that all personal belongings have been collected.